In the La Paz early childhood program, children are curious and imaginative explorers of their world. Learning is meaningful. We intentionally choose units of study that are based on the students themselves, their families and their local environment. We focus on the learning process and work to meet each child’s individual needs in all domains of development—linguistic, social, emotional, cognitive and physical. We offer a mindfulness program and yoga each week so that children are more conscious of their bodies, their feelings and their minds. We inspire children each day and they, in turn, inspire us.
I like to go to school and I feel very happy
– Journey, Grade Pre K
As children are immersed in linguistically rich environments taught by native speakers, they acquire language through play and natural interactions. Toddlers develop a strong language base through immersion in Spanish. Preschoolers become bilingual through rotating immersion in Spanish and English. Learning is integrated through thematic instruction as educators listen carefully and observe closely in order to guide the curriculum. During our energy unit, a child might integrate math with the science of simple machines when he measures how far his car goes down a ramp in the block center or how high she can launch a sponge using a lever. He may experiment with a prism, boxes, and a flashlight to create light and shadow in the science center. She will use fine motor skills and knowledge of letter sounds to write up repair bills as she plays mechanic in the dramatic play area. Direct instruction in whole and small group takes place through interactive stories, songs, and games. Children can often be found learning outdoors observing the chickens in the chicken coop, engaging in imaginative play on our wooden ship, or discovering flowers and insects in the lush, natural world around them.
The early years are when children develop the mindset and habits that will be the foundation for academic and personal success. Daily opportunities to make choices and experiment with various materials teaches them to become independent thinkers and risk takers as they discover cause and effect. During circle time children develop confidence to share their ideas and respect for others when it is their turn to listen. They begin to recognize their own emotions and learn healthy ways to express them. When friendship conflicts arise they are encouraged to choose a strategy from our problem solving wheel to work it out. Children develop responsibility and organization skills as they take care of our classroom materials and learn what it means to contribute to a community. In addition, our preschoolers form strong connections and gain confidence from weekly reading time with 2nd grade big buddies.
We are delighted you are considering La Paz for your child and welcome you to schedule a campus visit and learn more about our admissions process.
We invite you to visit our campus so that you can learn more about our school community.
Our Admissions team looks forward to guiding you through the application process.